बांधने वाला - bandhane vala meaning in hindi

Suggested :
खबरसाँ | index |
The two-volume index has 2,350 pages | |
गोलडाँ | slave |
Owens was the grandson of a slave and the son of a sharecropper. | |
गृहछिद्र | exception |
With the exception of Harrison Ford | |
उर्वरित | well |
As well as being a commercial success | |
जिलाधीश | sheriff |
, a spokesman of the sheriff declared the investigation under way. |
bandhane vala
अक्षरों की संख्या: 11 व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
baa.ndhane vaalaa
Related spellings : baandhane vaala,bandhane vala
Related spellings : baandhane vaala,bandhane vala
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